Monday, November 8, 2010

Starting Week 3 of 28 days of Health

Last week was fairly good, I worked out 5 days of the week.  I ate very well and managed to only cheat for one 24 hour period.  I felt pretty good about my personal choices and the choices of my family.  We ate healthy, in meal plan and did well. 

This week's meal plan:
Mon-Hamb Helper
Tues-Chicken Stir Fry
Wed-Chicken Helper
Thurs-Chicken Soup
Friday-Steak and Baked Potatoes
Sat-Mom and Dad's Date Night

We do fairly well in eating portion controlled and adding veggies even with Hamb/Chicken Helper.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Failure in 4 days....

I had a bad week, well a bad 4 days.  I did well Mon-Wed then I had a very bad few days.  I traveled on Wednesday and Thursday and while Wednesday went well-Thursday....not so much.  I ate Pizza Ranch for lunch, enough said.  I did not limit myself or plan well for my diet that day.  Friday was not horrible but, Saturday and Sunday were rough.  I didn't do my organized or planned exercise so, that was a failure as well.  But, tomorrow is another day so we start over.  I did join the Y last week so we will start the week off right and get my workout in each day and focus on a good week.  Start of November-means almost holiday season and even more temptation, let's keep at it and stay on track. 

Meal Plan for the Week:
Monday-Turkey Tacos
Tuesday-Hamburger Helper
Thursday-Tuna Melts
Friday/Saturday-I will be in Illinois with friends focus on healthier choices
Sunday-Roast and Veggies

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Good 6 days!!!

I have had a good week, we meal planned, ate healthy, exercised and did well as a family.  I managed to keep all my days (even my cheat day) under 1800 calories.  I did exercise either walking or kettlebells...etc 5 days a week.  That is what I wanted to do and did.  I am proud of myself and managed to keep portions under control and veggies/fruits several times a day. 

It was a good first start week and I know I will keep on track, to finish 28 days is the first goal, and very achieveable.

Meal Plan for the Week:
Monday-Salmon/Steamed Vegs
Wednesday-Chicken Helper/Veggies
Friday-Pizza (Veggies)/Salad
Sunday-Chili Mac

Monday, October 18, 2010

Extraordinary Health Challenge

Step 1.  Complete a personal health assessment
  • Weight Mangement
  • Hydration
  • Exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Stress
  • Unhealthy Habits
  • Recreation
  • Energy
      • Total Score=48 (Non Sick to Unhealthy)
Step 2.
  • Create a 28 day goal-Track calories daily/exercise 5 days/week
  • Create a 1 year goal-Be able to complete a 1/2 marathon
Step 3. Commit to follow a Healthy Action Plan for a min. of 28 days
  1. Encouragement: Use co-workers/friends (bloggers) as weekly check-ins
  2. Eating: focus on tracking calories and staying between 1500-1800/day
  3. Exercise: Cardio and Kettlebells (consider water walking/aerobics)
  4. Energy: Increase my energy without increasing caffeine!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Training for Des Moines IMT..

I have been training for the DM IMT 1/2 marathon, it has been a work in progress.  I haven't had as much time to focus on training, amazing how that changes when you have a family.  I am doing 9.5 miles this weekend and 12.5 miles next.  After that I only have 3 weeks before the race and if I can't be ready then, well I will wing it. 

I have gotten back to tracking calories..I had still been good about walking just wasn't paying as much mind as I should have to intake.

Good news, I still kept the original 15lbs off from earlier this some success.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Meal Planning.....

Meal planning is one of the best methods my family has for saving money, sticking to our budget and eating healthy.  We are fortunate that my hubby and I will eat most anything (thus the reason we are both overweight!!) and we are trying to set good examples for our son.  So, here we go:

I meal plan every weekend and then grocery shop based on the meal plan.  It helps us keep our eating out to a minimum and stick to the schedule which, for a busy family is vital.

This weeks meal plan is:

Saturday: Burgers (no buns just burgers) and Mac/Cheese (yes, its the box kind...with broccoli snuck in!)

Sunday: Tuna Noodle Casserole (dinner)
          Breakfast is Egg Puffs for DJ and Mommy.
Monday: Grilled Tilapia and steamed veggies

Tues:  Spaghetti

Wed: Black bean/Rice with Cheese Quesadillas

Thurs: Brats/Baked Beans

Friday: Ham--with something (probably steamed veggies)

Have a great week- Goal for the week is 14 miles met last weeks goal of 12 miles!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

I have fallen off the wagon....

So the past two weeks have been bad... I haven't been consistent in my cardio, diet or weighing in. 
We could make excuses:
1.  I got sick for like 3-5 days and then the rest of the family got sick.  We didn't cook we just ate.
2.  Therefore, cardio was not a focus plus it was like a GAZILLION degrees out.
3.  The scale broke, well its demolished.  So, I guess we need a new one, the accountability is needed in my world.

So, I started fresh minded for June....I have picked 4 races that I will train for and need your help in deciding!

1.  Women's 1/2 marathon--Nashville, TN -Sept. 25th
2.  Des Moines IMT-October 17th
3.  Kansas City Marathon-Waddle and Reed-October 16th
4.  Omaha 1/2 Marathon-Sept. 26th

What is your feelings on the race I should do??

Let me know and stay focused for June!!

Monday, May 17, 2010


Seriously, what the HECK is wrong with me today??  I have consumed 1700 calories and I am STARVING.  I have had plenty to eat, I walked minimally this morning however, right now I could eat a large pizza by myself.  I had wanted to take a 2nd walk this evening with DJ however, that didn't work out and by the time he was in bed it was 815pm....too late for me to walk again.  That is when my hubby has his turn to walk and I can't break the good habits he has started.  It is soo frustrating, I have done well, last 15 pounds in about 6 weeks.  However, I am not over the past 4-5 days really fluctuating.  It isn't PMS, it isn't that I am BORED/SAD/LONELY (prior excuses to eat) it is I am hungry!!! 

I going to drink a big glass of water and go to bed, and pray for the morning to come quickly so, that I can eat a bowl of yummy Fiber One Cereal. 

I will share my new recipe for homemade Peanut Butter and Chocolate Granola bars tomorrow, going to try and make them "reduced" fat and with Flax seed for extra healthiness!

Night Night All!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

30 days in..

We are 30 days into our 90 day challenge- HOW HAVE YOU DONE???

I will admit some days are great and others really suck!! But, all in all some loss is better than none. I have lost an overall of 13 lbs in 30 days. I am happy with that and have kept my cardio (walking) up to a consistant level.

I have done better and been more consistent this past 30 days and this has been my first big success since our son has been born.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

10 lbs lost...

Well, the first goal has been met! WOO HOO! Feeling good and still ignoring the hunger.

Have been out there moving and sweating whenever possible and entering all my food at: it has been my savior.

Here's to keeping it up!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Amazing Article

Check out the latest at to find a great article on Food Guilt!

I have lost almost 10lbs as of tomorrow morning if I meet my goal! I will keep you updated!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

KettleBells Training!

There is a new video available on showing some basic KettleBell moves! I got my kettlebell at TJ Maxx yesterday a basic 5lb for $5. What a steal!

Have had a great few weeks, getting in plenty of miles, eating very well and have lost about 7 lbs in 2 wks.

Have a 90 day plan, so I am feeling good about it.

Keeping up the good work and I saw a new meal at Panera that is 300 calories!
Pick-Two pairing:
Greek Salad *a FAV* and their new Black Bean soup. So healthy and affordable, I can't wait for an excuse to eat it!

Try out my new website for tracking all healthy choices,


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Biggest Loser at Home

1. Initial Weigh-in
2. Monthly update weigh-ins
3. Weight gains require $.50/pound
4. Final weigh-in
5. Initial weigh-in/final weigh-in=% weight loss
6. WINNER takes all!!

More Updates Coming!!

Finally have been given the okay from Dr's to get back out on the fitness trail. Thank goodness! I walked 4 days so far this week. Anywhere from 1 mile to 2.5 miles. It was a good week, had the baby in the stroller and managed well.

Starting a Biggest Loser Competition with some friends....if anyone else is interested in joining let me know, weigh in and measurements are by Saturday, April 3rd.

Will last 90 days and will be 10.00 entry fee...
Gaining costs you $.50/pound and losing is free!

The winner at the end (greatest % of weight lost) will win all the money in the till.

Stats to come....Names not included!!!


Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Recovery

Well two weeks ago while expecting a great Valentine's day weekend including my 1st 5K of the season I was hurt. It for better lack of a term SUCKED! I broke my big toe on the right foot in several pieces as well as lost my nail and due to the force of the items that fell on it, it required 4 stitches. Pain is a word, the first 3-6 days were rough and now I am in recovery!

I started wearing a shoe off and on Thursday and Friday and was able to walk with DJ around the block (slowly) and at a fare pace. It is still sore, and yes swollen and ugly but, we are on the road to recovery.

I am going to start the training again for a 5K in April, is the goal. Kettlebells was GREAT and I would recommend it to anyone who is interested. I am planning on starting another class as soon as I am released by the doctor.

Hope you are able to get out and about and be healthy in the sun and daylight.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


The past week of so have flown past, busy with work and life makes keeping up with the blog challenging. However, 2 weeks ago I lost 1 lb and worked out 4 days, not going to complain.
This last week, with STRONG encouragement from my hubby I have 3.5 days of working out(shoveling on Sat. is considering 1/2) and about 1 lbs lost. Not the huge numbers but, at least we have continued the positive. I had some major "sweet" attacks this week and have tried but not always succeeded in avoiding them.

So this week, my Kettlebell class started, I LOVE IT!. Wow, totally different than ANY other fitness class I have taken recently. If you don't know what they are, well check out the link and see what its all about. Can say I was sore on Friday but, could still walk!!

I have good things this week, if weather permits I have a 3mile walk on Sat so wish me good thoughts and 2 days of Kettlebells plus a walking date with a new mommy on Wed at Merle Hay Mall. Here is to happy fitness!!


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Keeping at It and doing Well!

I forgot to post last week but, had a good week. Only lost a pound but, definitely better than a gain. I did great last week with adding cardio. I walked 5 days on the treadmill and was very active with shoveling as well. Food last week was a bit more laxed however, still healthy for the most part. Had a few great dishes with hidden veggies including, hamburgers with hidden lima beans and banana and zucchini muffins. I also pured some carrots that I am using this week in past dishes (easy to hide the red!!)

I joined a kettle ball class that starts next week *2x/week for 4 weeks. I am excited about it! I had done really well with packing my lunches and eating healthy and not spending money eating out! I have found tools at Panera with the 1/2 salad and 1/2 sandwich that definitely are healthier options which help alot when I am caught out not prepared.

I am happy to say the progress is continuing. My 1st 5K of the season is on Feb. 13th so I am planning for it and looking forward to the healthy walk!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy Updates!!

First and foremost...I have lost 3 lbs...woo hoo. That is a positive. I have made better choices, not perfect choices and still seen success. That is what I want.

2nd of all I have found healthier choices for my family, that is a big step.

I have started a new process of "hiding" veggies and fruit in basic dishes. DJ will eat ANY fruit you give him however, veggies are a challenge. We always offer it...but, he always refuses! So, I have taken to steaming, blending and freezing veggies in purees and then "sneaking" them into our dishes. I have started easy, it was first with carrots in the blueberry muffins...tasted great and DJ and Devon both liked them! Tonight I made a blackberry bar with zucchini. It was easy and pretty good. Only 1/2 cup of sugar in the whole dish *12 bars* and you can't taste the zucchini either!

Tomorrow night its either lima beans in the mac/cheese or ...zucchini in the pasta and sauce. We will see, but I am hoping for good food eating continued!

I made chili on Sunday and added Lima beans...yummy.

Plus, Devon is taking the natural juice from the fruit DJ eats and freezes it into popsicles...DJ loves it and it helps his teething. What a smart DADDY!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dinner and updates for the week...

Here is how the rest of the week has ended up!
Monday-Leftovers from Sunday (told you alot of food!)

Tuesday-Bennigans (had a coupon for Devon a free burger AND Kids eat free)-thus I had a grilled chicken and spinach yummy! Calories are about 450 per website...was super filling and ignored the rolls.

Wednesday-Tortellini/Chicken Broth/Lima Beans and Cauliflower--odd I know. I love Tortellini and broth, warm and comforting. However my hubby hates it. Therefore I figured if I was eating it I might as well as as many veggies as possible to make it healthy. Estimated calories are about 250/1 cp serving. VERY filling.

Thursday-Meatloaf and Mashed potatoes. Meatloaf is a dish I make for my hubby. I will eat it but, don't love it. Therefore, again trying to "sneak" in veggies, I added a package of Lipton Veggie Soup mix instead of my usual Onion Soup mix for seasoning. Had to moisten it a bit, but was a great way to add a serving of veggies to the meatloaf and a little different flavor. Mashed pots well, they were instant and made with water however, not healthy I had a serving (2/3 cup).

Friday-We were out running errands and before we knew it was 530pm, dinner time and a cranky baby. We picked up a pizza from Papa Johns, I ate 3 pcs. Not going to fib.

Saturday--Now most every morning, I have oatmeal for breakfast. However, on weekends I prefer to cook. I had egg, potatoe and sausage burritos this morning. Fairly healthy and on corn tortillas, which...are only 55 calories EACH. Pretty low cal.
For lunch my hubby made a lovely salad with blue cheese, lettuce and sliced turkey, YUMMY!!
Dinner-baked salmon, zucchini and roll. The zucchini was a new trick, I defrosted sliced zucchini. It was still moist so I dredged it in breadcrumbs, and "fried" it in a pan with Pam. VERY Healthy and easy. Now, I did not fool either the baby or Devon into LOVING it however, Devon ate it and DJ just spit it out. 50% isn't bad.

I did make a treat/dessert today--very naughty gingerbread cheese cake. I will take the remainder to church or someone tomorrow, its good but...not healthy!

For the plan tomorrow...we are expecting the heat wave so Devon will grill somethings and maybe Chili. We are having healthy Sausage/Egg McMuffins (homeade) for breakfast, sounds good!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Trying to be a Healthy Mom

Start of a new year and New Year's Resolutions.

So, lets list some basic goals

1. Be More Active than last year.
2. Set a good (better) healthier example for my son.
3. Cook healthier for my family ALL the time.
4. Try to keep the pace of 1 5K race per month up.

Healthy New Recipe (I had some inspiration!)

Healthy Slow Cooker Gumbo

I made this recipe today based on it's freaking cold-(high today is 1 degree, wind chill -9) and we had this all in our house.

2 cans of stewed tomatoes and juice.
1 can of black beans and juice
1 cup long grain rice (we had white, but normally I prefer brown)
2 cups of some meat (we had brats on hand precooked so I used those)
1 can of stock (beef or chicken)
1 onion

Ended up adding about 2 cans of water as well as the rice began to cook!

I will add some shrimp once its almost done for something different!

Slow Cook, on High for 4-6 hours or Low for 8-10.

As you can see, there is no added fat or nothing too high calorie!

I put all the ingrediants in a "calculator" and determined the following for a 1 cup serving. BTW-this made about 8 servings so probably will freeze some of it.

Nutrition Facts
Amount per serving

284.7 kcal

Water 241.71 g
Carbohydrate* (66%) 47 g
Protein (17%) 13.46 g
Total Fat (17%) 5.38 g
Monounsaturated 1.51 g
Polyunsaturated 0.66 g
Saturated 1.24 g
Cholesterol 23.51 mg
Dietary Fibre 8.79 g
Alcohol (0%) 0 g

Vitamin A 294.43 IU
Thiamin 0.36 mg
Riboflavin 0.16 mg
Niacin 2.94 mg
Pantothenic acid 0.69 mg
Vitamin B6 0.15 mg
Folate 123.18 mcg
Vitamin B12 0.54 mcg
Vitamin C 12.73 mg
Vitamin E 1.4 mg ATE

Calcium 83.65 mg
Iron 4.46 mg
Magnesium 82.8 mg
Phosphorus 193.35 mg
Potassium 690.71 mg
Sodium 602.67 mg
Zinc 1.88 mg
Copper 0.41 mg

This should last us probably for lunch/dinner and leftovers for tomorrow. I will try and post healthier meal options as they come to me. Something with zucchini is in the works for this week based on we have a bag of frozen in the freezer!

I hope you have a healthy, warm and happy day!

The treadmill during nap time is my game plan.