Thursday, November 26, 2009

How the HELL did I get to this point??

I am....discouraged, disappointed and disgusted in the person I have become. Approximately, 4 years ago I was at a healthier weight. I was exercising, fit and becoming the woman I wanted to be. Then I met a WONDERFUL man, and fell in love. Hook, line and food. After many years and changes in our lives....we are BOTH back to being unhealthy. We eat whatever, whenever and we do not exercise anymore.

I AM FAT. I am back up to being almost the same size I was pre-Devon. I am not yet in a 26-28 but, if I continue on this path, I will be. I am tired and worn out and not even able to muster the courage to get on the treadmill.

I have to do something to be healthy, I will be 35 in 5 months. That is the day that I need to have seen positive changes. I need to be and stay healthy for my son, my husband and my self.

I have to follow the plan and figure it out.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Needing to make changes and quick...

I was reminded that Oct 5, 2005 I started a lifestyle change. I started a weight loss plan that made me a different person. I lost approximately, 112 lbs in about a year and kept it off for another year....then I began slowly adding a few lbs here and there and then I got pregnant and while I maintained a healthy gain (about 28-30lbs) I haven't been able to loose all the weight. So here I am again...approx 75lbs heavier than I was at my lowest. What does that mean??

It means...I have lost my focus, I have lost my reason/purpose for weight loss. I am not in a good place for leading a healthy example for my family.

I have to start a new plan to be a healthier mom and wife for me, my family and my future.

The challenges I feel I am facing are...leading a healthy lifestyle while being a full time student, mom and wife. Working Full time and a life on a tight budget. I no longer have the funds to spend on a fitness club, trainer or special supplements and higher cost foods. I no longer have a schedule that is flexible to do cardio whenever it fits my whim.

I have a schedule that permits cardio either at the crack of dawn OR....with a beautiful little boy in a stroller. I have a budget that is stretched by bills and decisions to provide the best for my son and husband...and living on coffee and cheap and easy in btwn. That is not healthy. So while I make sure my son gets fruits and veggies am I doing the same for myself???

When does bath time for little boys become more important than 20 min on the treadmill?? When you become a all changes.

Let's hope I can find a focus that works for all my needs and my family.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Last Week

Last week was a good week, we ate healthy as a family, I was able to walk 4 days of the week and did at least a 1.5 miles per day. One day we did 3. I was tracking all my intake of food last week and was able to really see what I was eating. Did great during the week however, the weekend....WOW did I go off the edge.

I started Sat. well however Sat. night's Pizza and Ice Cream did my day in.

Sunday- I was bad, all around bad.

I did on Saturday walk 3 miles and did it in 50 minutes. So pretty good.

Let's hope this week is healthy again and weekend is much better!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Doing better.....

Well we have eaten very healthy or much healthier over the last week. Have walked several times and have even walked 3 miles. It is step in the right direction.

I have put on a pair pants today that recently did not fit well. They feel better and I did not need Spanx to wear them comfortably!

It's a step in a new direction consistancy and better lifestyle for the family.

5K is in 2 weeks, walking and keeping at it till the big day.

Small accomplishments are better than none!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Well, my hubby has started his own fitness plan and blog. So here is the link:

We will see how each other does, and who is best at the end of the holidays. I think that is long/far enough away to see some changes.

I am happy I did get walking this week, did 2.25 miles on Tuesday, in 40 min.

Not too shabby for Mom and a "sick" baby. Hopefully tonight I can get a walk in as well. It's hot out and that isn't best for the little boy. We will do what we can.

Gotta get moving again, the 5K is in 1 month. I have resigned to the fact that I will more than likely walk vs. run and that's okay. It's about finishing right? Not about how fast we do it.

So lets see where this week ends up with fitness and diet. It's about being healthier for the family and my life.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Weeks are closing in...

Well in almost 5 weeks we will be at the BIG Underground Rail Road 5K---ARE YOU READY??

I am ready to walk it, running...not so much!

Last week I came down with ear and sinus infections and this just did not make walking/jogging an enjoyable event. Functioning was good.

So we walked on Monday and then ditched for the rest of the week.

Good thing, weight loss is paired with sickness.

Bad thing, no moving=no running.

We are starting again on Sunday, we can get up early--enjoy the cooler weather and get out there and move it.

I say Sunday as this week is JAM packed with all kinds of events/family coming for the baptism.

Hope your keeping at it and let's get to the count down!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

One week later, what did we accomplish???

Well last week on the personal side was complete exhaustion, our son has determined sleeping is not necessary. Therefore, his parents do not sleep. This makes the alarm at 5am, to make you go walk/exercise...a HUGE challenge. I did not get as much walking (or any) in last week. I did get to the pool 4days with swim lessons for 40 min with a 25lb child. That counts as cardio, I am certain!! The dieting/healthy eating has been okay. I succeed at work, and tend to fail at home!!

I started Weight Watchers again yesterday and have walked 1.5 each day on Sunday and Monday. It's started out to be a better week.

8 weeks till the 5K, watch out here we come!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Oh how far we have fallen........

Well, as you can see by the LONG delay in posts, we have fallen off the wagon. June was a very busy month and provided even less opportunities to get out and move. Thus, the scale is showing the side effects of less moving and more fast food of convenience.

We are back up the lovely 8lbs we had lost and after the 4th of July's activities, it just continued on the bad path.

So here we are, July 13th--we have exactly 2 months until Homestead Festival. Can you lose 100lbs in 2 months? No, you can't if we are lucky we will lose 10lbs.

So, the focus of the next 3 weeks is this, move it! Get out there and move it AT LEAST 3 times a week. My son, starts his swimming lessons today, and we will be in the pool for 40 min a day for 3 days a week. That has to be a start in the right direction. We also are going to try and walk to the pool for lessons with the stroller and that is about 1 mile round trip, its a start!

Eating, we must eat better. No eating out this week, we had an expensive weekend last week and therefore, we will be eating at home all week. We are going to focus on portion size. Even if you eat a treat or chocolate chip cookie, eat one, not 5 (which I have done in the past).

So goals or thoughts for the week--

Move, get out and do something, walk at least a mile.

Food, eat less in portions than you need and focus on veggies and fruits.

Lets check back on Sunday and see how its gone!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Week 3

Last week was by far the worse of the weeks so far. It was sick baby, time management and Raining. It started out well, I was able to get on the treadmill...which was a small feat. However, the rest of the week was a uphill battle.

I was able to get outside on Saturday and Sunday...but not alot of walking.

This week has been a better start:

Tuesday: Family Walk-we did 1.35 miles in about 35 min not too shabby for the husband, baby, and dog.

Wednesday- I had about 30 min before class and was able to get in 1.25 miles in 18 min.

We are planning for little man and I to take a walk tonight...and then we will see how the weather will cooperate for the rest of the weekend.

Only 9 days till our 5K, we will walk and jog to the finish line.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

2nd Week is a bad week

I like to own up to my successes and failures. Last week, I hate to call a failure but...not a real success. I know that as a mother of a child that their needs come first, that is without question. As you will find out when you rank and order all your priorities, exercise/training definitely gets put to last place. Well, it wasn't horrible I was able to walk/jog 3 times last week. I on Tuesday was able to get in 3 miles and feel good. However the rest of the week went downhill. I got in 2 miles on Thursday and Friday however, not at the best pace. I figure at this point, some is better than none. Then the rest of the weekend was spent inside with a less than healthy little one and therefore no walks/runs occurred.

If the weather permits this week I am aiming for jogging(my version of running) 2 miles at least twice this week. I think if I can get that jump start it will help. My pace is strong when I am focused, its just challenging when I have setbacks.

I need to also use my treadmill-its a great tool that I always do not take advantage of and will try to use this week if the weather does not co-operate.

I am also focusing on healthier eating, I have gotten very lazy over the weekend and just don't feel healthy, I need to ensure that I am eating healthy as well to make my body perform.

Off to a better week is the goal!

Goals for the week are:
Tuesday-2 miles (jog)
Wednesday-3.5 mile walk
Thursday-2 mile (jog)
Friday-3 mile walk
Sat or Sunday- 5 miles-Walk/Run

I need to get that distance in ASAP. This weekend is Dam to Dam which I wish I had trained for however, reality is with school and work that I could not do it.

I am aiming for the Des Moines Marathon this year as my local goal! Let's hope all goes fairly well.

Have a good week-happy fitness!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Its the BEGINNING!!!

Well I officially started this week training for the big day. August 2, 2009 is the Chicago Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon. I am going to run it. I have a dear friend who has been trying to get back into the healthy groove and stated she wanted to do a race together. I need to get back into shape, the last few baby pounds and plus some that I added before the baby have crept back on. So what better motivation than a race that I can train and plan for.

So this past week, 05-11-09 was week one. This is what I accomplished:

Monday-3 Miles--walking with the little man in jogging stroller.
Tuesday-2 Miles--walking with the little man in jogging stroller.
Wednesday-Rained out...sucky spring.
Thursday-Walked around Farmers Market--maybe a mile???
Friday-Darn RAIN!!
Saturday-2 miles with little man in stroller.
Sunday-3.2 miles...all by myself.

I can tell you this, I am good at walking but, I committed to running this 1/2 so I better get back into running. My body and I are out of feet and legs are sore after a good week of walking. There are things I need to remember when I walk...
1. Pee before you walk trying to hold it for 3 miles is not successful...leakage after baby occurs.

2. There is chafing when fat rolls rub against sport bras...body slick is needed to prevent chafing.

3. Running with a big girl=ALOT of JIGGLE....

4. Blisters and callouses are necessary however, not cute for pedicures.

5. Husband's who drop you off and make you walk home as you wish are FABULOUS.

Some of my must have's: is a godsend. You can map every walk/trail you take.

A good MP3 player and good playlist (need to change batteries and upload new songs)

Good Shoes and Socks-Check--Thank you hubby for my Birthday/Mother's Day Gifts!!

Off to the coming week--trying to get the following mileage in: RUNNING!!!

Monday-3 miles
Tuesday-2 miles
Wednesday-4 Miles
Thursday-2 Miles
Saturday-5K with the Family
Sunday-5 Miles!!

Hope you have a great week.....