Thursday, June 4, 2009

Week 3

Last week was by far the worse of the weeks so far. It was sick baby, time management and Raining. It started out well, I was able to get on the treadmill...which was a small feat. However, the rest of the week was a uphill battle.

I was able to get outside on Saturday and Sunday...but not alot of walking.

This week has been a better start:

Tuesday: Family Walk-we did 1.35 miles in about 35 min not too shabby for the husband, baby, and dog.

Wednesday- I had about 30 min before class and was able to get in 1.25 miles in 18 min.

We are planning for little man and I to take a walk tonight...and then we will see how the weather will cooperate for the rest of the weekend.

Only 9 days till our 5K, we will walk and jog to the finish line.