Thursday, November 26, 2009

How the HELL did I get to this point??

I am....discouraged, disappointed and disgusted in the person I have become. Approximately, 4 years ago I was at a healthier weight. I was exercising, fit and becoming the woman I wanted to be. Then I met a WONDERFUL man, and fell in love. Hook, line and food. After many years and changes in our lives....we are BOTH back to being unhealthy. We eat whatever, whenever and we do not exercise anymore.

I AM FAT. I am back up to being almost the same size I was pre-Devon. I am not yet in a 26-28 but, if I continue on this path, I will be. I am tired and worn out and not even able to muster the courage to get on the treadmill.

I have to do something to be healthy, I will be 35 in 5 months. That is the day that I need to have seen positive changes. I need to be and stay healthy for my son, my husband and my self.

I have to follow the plan and figure it out.