Monday, May 31, 2010

I have fallen off the wagon....

So the past two weeks have been bad... I haven't been consistent in my cardio, diet or weighing in. 
We could make excuses:
1.  I got sick for like 3-5 days and then the rest of the family got sick.  We didn't cook we just ate.
2.  Therefore, cardio was not a focus plus it was like a GAZILLION degrees out.
3.  The scale broke, well its demolished.  So, I guess we need a new one, the accountability is needed in my world.

So, I started fresh minded for June....I have picked 4 races that I will train for and need your help in deciding!

1.  Women's 1/2 marathon--Nashville, TN -Sept. 25th
2.  Des Moines IMT-October 17th
3.  Kansas City Marathon-Waddle and Reed-October 16th
4.  Omaha 1/2 Marathon-Sept. 26th

What is your feelings on the race I should do??

Let me know and stay focused for June!!

Monday, May 17, 2010


Seriously, what the HECK is wrong with me today??  I have consumed 1700 calories and I am STARVING.  I have had plenty to eat, I walked minimally this morning however, right now I could eat a large pizza by myself.  I had wanted to take a 2nd walk this evening with DJ however, that didn't work out and by the time he was in bed it was 815pm....too late for me to walk again.  That is when my hubby has his turn to walk and I can't break the good habits he has started.  It is soo frustrating, I have done well, last 15 pounds in about 6 weeks.  However, I am not over the past 4-5 days really fluctuating.  It isn't PMS, it isn't that I am BORED/SAD/LONELY (prior excuses to eat) it is I am hungry!!! 

I going to drink a big glass of water and go to bed, and pray for the morning to come quickly so, that I can eat a bowl of yummy Fiber One Cereal. 

I will share my new recipe for homemade Peanut Butter and Chocolate Granola bars tomorrow, going to try and make them "reduced" fat and with Flax seed for extra healthiness!

Night Night All!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

30 days in..

We are 30 days into our 90 day challenge- HOW HAVE YOU DONE???

I will admit some days are great and others really suck!! But, all in all some loss is better than none. I have lost an overall of 13 lbs in 30 days. I am happy with that and have kept my cardio (walking) up to a consistant level.

I have done better and been more consistent this past 30 days and this has been my first big success since our son has been born.