Sunday, March 28, 2010

Biggest Loser at Home

1. Initial Weigh-in
2. Monthly update weigh-ins
3. Weight gains require $.50/pound
4. Final weigh-in
5. Initial weigh-in/final weigh-in=% weight loss
6. WINNER takes all!!

More Updates Coming!!

Finally have been given the okay from Dr's to get back out on the fitness trail. Thank goodness! I walked 4 days so far this week. Anywhere from 1 mile to 2.5 miles. It was a good week, had the baby in the stroller and managed well.

Starting a Biggest Loser Competition with some friends....if anyone else is interested in joining let me know, weigh in and measurements are by Saturday, April 3rd.

Will last 90 days and will be 10.00 entry fee...
Gaining costs you $.50/pound and losing is free!

The winner at the end (greatest % of weight lost) will win all the money in the till.

Stats to come....Names not included!!!
