Monday, August 31, 2009

Last Week

Last week was a good week, we ate healthy as a family, I was able to walk 4 days of the week and did at least a 1.5 miles per day. One day we did 3. I was tracking all my intake of food last week and was able to really see what I was eating. Did great during the week however, the weekend....WOW did I go off the edge.

I started Sat. well however Sat. night's Pizza and Ice Cream did my day in.

Sunday- I was bad, all around bad.

I did on Saturday walk 3 miles and did it in 50 minutes. So pretty good.

Let's hope this week is healthy again and weekend is much better!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Doing better.....

Well we have eaten very healthy or much healthier over the last week. Have walked several times and have even walked 3 miles. It is step in the right direction.

I have put on a pair pants today that recently did not fit well. They feel better and I did not need Spanx to wear them comfortably!

It's a step in a new direction consistancy and better lifestyle for the family.

5K is in 2 weeks, walking and keeping at it till the big day.

Small accomplishments are better than none!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Well, my hubby has started his own fitness plan and blog. So here is the link:

We will see how each other does, and who is best at the end of the holidays. I think that is long/far enough away to see some changes.

I am happy I did get walking this week, did 2.25 miles on Tuesday, in 40 min.

Not too shabby for Mom and a "sick" baby. Hopefully tonight I can get a walk in as well. It's hot out and that isn't best for the little boy. We will do what we can.

Gotta get moving again, the 5K is in 1 month. I have resigned to the fact that I will more than likely walk vs. run and that's okay. It's about finishing right? Not about how fast we do it.

So lets see where this week ends up with fitness and diet. It's about being healthier for the family and my life.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Weeks are closing in...

Well in almost 5 weeks we will be at the BIG Underground Rail Road 5K---ARE YOU READY??

I am ready to walk it, running...not so much!

Last week I came down with ear and sinus infections and this just did not make walking/jogging an enjoyable event. Functioning was good.

So we walked on Monday and then ditched for the rest of the week.

Good thing, weight loss is paired with sickness.

Bad thing, no moving=no running.

We are starting again on Sunday, we can get up early--enjoy the cooler weather and get out there and move it.

I say Sunday as this week is JAM packed with all kinds of events/family coming for the baptism.

Hope your keeping at it and let's get to the count down!!